How to respond to cyberbullying
In today’s society where we are surrounded by technology, cyberbullying has become a prevalent problem. Haley from Meaningful Minds...

How to inspire those around you
Be it your partner, child, friend, family member or colleague everyone needs someone to inspire the best within them. Not only does...

How to help children cope with divorce
Divorce is one of the most difficult experiences in life. Not only is it a painful process for the entire family, but children are most...

How to cope with someone else's anger
We all get angry; from feeling irritated to blind rage. Anger is a powerful emotion triggered by a threat or a real or imagined wrong...

How to find happiness in everyday moments
Happiness comes from being able to live and enjoy our present moment. Living in the present means not worrying about the future or...

8 frequently asked questions about psychological assessment
Quite often, we face the same questions by our clients when it comes to psychological assessments. This blog post will answer most...