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8 frequently asked questions about psychological assessment

Quite often, we face the same questions by our clients when it comes to psychological assessments. This blog post will answer most questions people have on psychological assessments.

If you have any questions not covered below, feel free to send us a mail and we would be glad to help.

1) Who can administer assessments?
  • Psychometrists and psychologists can administer assessments.

  • The different types of psychologists (such as educational, clinical, counselling, and industrial psychologists) carry out assessments that fall within their field of expertise, all requiring specific skills sets and training.

2) What can I do to prepare myself for the assessment?

When it comes to most assessments there is nothing you need to learn beforehand. There are, however, a few things you can do to make sure that you are able to perform to your fullest potential on the day.

  • Have a good sleep the night before and eat a healthy breakfast.

  • Try your best to have a clear mind on the day and don’t stress yourself out.

  • Answer all the questions to the best of your ability, be honest and genuine and the rest is up to the assessor.

3) What do I need to bring to the assessment?
  • The assessor usually just needs you.

  • If you use any type of aid, such as glasses or hearing aids, make sure you bring those with you on the day as well.

4) When is the assessment usually done?
  • The assessment should be done early in the morning while you are fresh.

5) What is the assessment process?

  • This depends on the type of assessment being conducted.

6) How long do the assessment sessions last for?
  • Again it depends on the type and nature of the assessments but I can give you a rough estimate of my assessment procedure.

  • Intake is 50-60 minutes.

  • Assessment session 1 is 2 hours.

  • Assessment session 2 is 2 hours.

  • Feedback is 50-60 minutes.

7) Who has access to my report?
  • You can always feel free to ask the assessor the limits of confidentiality, with regards to your particular type of assessment, to see if you would still like to go through with the assessment.

  • This is reliant on who is paying for the report.

  • If a company is paying for you to partake in the assessment and you go along with the assessment, then you and the company are allowed to know the results.

  • If a school asks for a child to be assessed but the parents of the child pays, then it’s the parents’ prerogative if the school is allowed to see the results.

8) What happens if I do not understand the feedback from the assessment?
  • The assessor needs to be able to explain it to you in a way that you can understand, as the assessment was conducted to help you.

  • Never be shy to ask the assessor to try explain it to you in another way.

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