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Woman in Bed

Sleep Problems



Sleep is an important part of our health and wellness. If we are not getting enough sleep, or our sleep is disrupted it can lead to many other major psychological and physical problems. 


There are many different types of sleep disorders:


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Read through the following list and determine if you struggle with any of these. If the answer is yes to most of them, then you may be struggling with a sleep problem.


1. Difficulty falling asleep

2. Racing thoughts which prevent you from falling asleep

3. You feel afraid to sleep

4. You wake up in the night and cant go back to sleep

5. Despite sleeping you dont feel refreshed

6. You wake up earlier than you would like to

7. You lie awake for more than 30 min to try and fall asleep or when you wake up in the middle of the night from sleep




If you think you may have a sleep problem, it is best to consult a health professional for an assessment. Meaningful Minds Psychologist Elri, is a sleep trained psychologist. She qualified as a sleep specialist through Edinburgh Institute of Sleep Medicine. She is trained to work with CBT -I  which is a specific type of CBT used for sleep problems. Elri will guide you through correct sleep routines and help you navigate problems you have around sleep.


If you would like to book an appointment with her you can do so by clicking the buttons below. 

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Here are 10 things to help you get a good night’s sleep


  1. Have and stick to a regular bedtime and wake up schedule
    Try to go to bed and get up about the same time each night and morning.

  2. Make sure the time that you set for your bedtime, is a time in which you are sleepy.
    Do not go to bed too soon or you may have trouble falling asleep or your sleep may be restless.

  3. Do not nap
    Napping can disrupt normal sleep cycles. Try skipping your nap and see if your regular sleep patterns improve.

  4. Make your bedroom a “quiet” room
    Do not watch television in your bedroom. Use it for sleeping or quiet reading.

  5. Establish relaxing before-bed routines
    Take a bath, a glass of warn milk, or do some light reading before bedtime.

  6. Develop relaxation techniques
    Learn yoga, deep breathing, quiet mediation or listen to soft music while trying to fall asleep.

  7. Avoid troubling news right before bed.
    Violence in newspapers or on television may bother some people making it difficult to fall asleep. Try reading a book instead.

  8. Avoid stimulants.
    Do not use stimulants or drink things that contain caffeine(tea, coffee, cola etc.) 6 hours before bedtime.

  9. Do not use alcohol or tobacco products close to bedtime.
    Use of these products may calm you at the time of use, but they can have disrupting effects on your sleep during the night.

  10. Exercise regularly.
    Regular activity helps the body and mind healthy, but be sure to avoid vigorous exercise right before bedtime.

(Taken from

If you would like to speak to someone about sleep contact us on 081 759 4849 or

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